Bounce Back & Thrive – upcoming sessions
Bounce Back & Thrive!ᴼᴹ (BBT) is a resiliency skills training programme designed to meet the needs of parents (and those in a parenting role) of children under the age of 8. It was designed as an adaptation of Reaching IN…Reaching OUTᴼᴹ (RIRO) Resiliency Skills Training Programme for early learning and care staff and service providers.
BBT helps parents gain self-regulation and thinking skills that increase their capacity to provide caring relationships and role model resilience-building skills in daily interactions with their children. Then, it shows parents how to directly introduce basic resiliency skills to children, and that helps children bounce back and thrive.
BBT is an interactive programme delivered through information exchange, hands-on activities, video clips of parents and children, discussion and skills practice. BBT uses a relationship-based, cognitive-behavioral and social problem-solving approach combined with self-regulation strategies.
We are offering this free program online on Saturday mornings beginning on April 13, and in-person in Gravenhurst on Thursday evenings beginning on April 18.
April 18 – June 20
Thursday evenings from 7 – 9 p.m.
Gravenhurst Children’s Place
April 13 – June 22
Saturday mornings from 8:30 – 10:30 a.m.
Zoom link to be provided
Register by using the QR code on the poster or by phoning 705-645-3027.