
Director’s Recognition

The Director’s Recognition Award highlights extraordinary contributions by staff members, students, school volunteers, or community members, and is presented by the director of education, Wes Hahn, at each Trillium Lakelands District School Board (TLDSB) Regular Meeting of the Board. Hahn introduced this month’s recipients of the Director’s Recognition Award, highlighting the service of the Board’s current trustees who will no longer be serving as trustees as a result of the municipal election that took place on October 24. The term for these trustees ends as of November 14.

Byrne JohnJohn Byrne joined the TLDSB trustee team in 2010, representing the City of Kawartha Lakes in Wards 2 and 3. He is an active volunteer in his community and always ensures he is well informed about the interest and priorities of the constituents he represents. John’s pride in the students in the schools he represents and for his community is evident. As a strong voice at the Board table, John is not afraid to challenge the status quo and to share alternative points of view of consideration. John pays attention to detail, follows through on his commitments and is a strong advocate for what he believes in.

Morrison DavidDavid Morrison joined the Board as a trustee for the City of Kawartha Lakes for area Ward 5 in 2014 after retiring from a career as a long-time music teacher at the Lindsay Collegiate and Vocational Institute. He is a passionate advocate for the benefits of music and arts education in schools, is well respected, and has a steady voice at the trustee table. David is a strong advocate for equity and inclusion for all students and staff, and has mastered the balance between advocacy and support. David’s gentle, calm manor and thoughtful approach has been an asset to the trustee team and to the system.

Don AltonDon Alton has been a trustee for 22 years, representing the City of Kawartha Lakes Wards 1 and 4. He is a well-known member of the community and has been a dependable member at the Board table. Don is known for his quiet strength and consistency, and for sharing an amusing anecdote or heartwarming story about events and activities happening at the schools. Don is a quiet listener and observer most of the time, however when he does speak, it is to ask thoughtful questions to assist with solving problems or genuine and hearty greetings. Don’s presents at the Board table will be greatly missed.

Stephen BinstockA former educator and principal, Stephen Binstock has been in the education system for 50 years. He was elected as the Bracebridge trustee representative in 2014, and has served as both trustee and the Board vice-chair in his term. Stephen has been a champion for student voice and trustee voice, and is known to be a strategic thinker who is not afraid to respectively challenge people’s thinking and offer alternative opinions. After so many years in education, Stephen’s experience and historical knowledge will be missed.

2021-2022 suspension and expulsion data

Superintendent of learning, Paul Goldring, presented an overview of the suspensions, expulsions, and mediation data from the 2021-2022 school year. The results indicate a decrease in incidents in the last three school years, most likely due to absences during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Summer 2022 construction update

Superintendent of Business Services, Tim Ellis, presented the trustees with an overview of the projects that took place over the summer at over 20 TLDSB schools and work sites. A number of projects were completed by Facility Services, including:

  • Washroom upgrades
  • HVAC upgrades
  • Roof replacements
  • Drainage improvements
  • Millwork
  • Boiler replacements
  • Gymnasium floor replacements
  • Science room and Special Education room renovations
  • Site improvements, including asphalt paving
  • Plumbing/water system upgrades
  • Accessibility improvements
  • Electrical upgrades
  • Hot water tank replacements
  • Sewage pumping station refurbishment

Director’s update

Director of education, Wes Hahn, highlighted the Ministry of Education’s recent announcement regarding catch up payments for families with students in the education system to assist with the cost of additional tutoring supports, supplies or equipment that enhance student learning. Applications are being accepted through the Ministry of Education until March 31, 2023.

Hahn touched on the Board’s tutoring support program, which has been extended until March 31, 2023. Since the beginning of the school year, the Board has seen 207 situations where tutors have been accessed, with over 83 tutors in place currently offering supports to students.

The Board continues to access the funding that was provided to support math and literacy within our schools. Professional learning committees are working directly in secondary schools to support administrators and educators. The consultants and coaches in elementary schools are focusing on literacy in Kindergarten to Grade 1, and math in Grades 3 and 4.

Hahn presented trustees with an overview of the provincial Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) results for the 2021-2022 school year, which were released on October 20. Individual Board results will be released at the end of October and shared with trustees at a future meeting.

Administrative reports

Annual Audit Committee Report

Superintendent of Business Services, Tim Ellis, presented the 2022 Annual Audit Committee Report to trustees that summarizes the Audit Committee’s actions for the year ending August 31. This report is submitted to the Ministry of Education each year.

Human Resources Services Audit Report

Superintendent of Business Services, Tim Ellis, presented trustees with an update on the results of the Human Resources Services Department audit that was conducted in the 2021-2022 school year. After TLDSB received funds from the Provincial Government’s Excellence in Education Administration Fund (EEAF), Deloitte was awarded the contract and conducted the audit. This audit reviewed the current operational functions of the department to identify opportunities and recommendations to improve the service delivery model, support structures, and address key risks and obstacles across the department.

2022 Board and Committee of the Whole meeting schedule

Board meetings are open to the public to attend the host location in person. For virtual access, the meetings are live-streamed and the link is made available on the website on the day of the meeting.

Meeting Date Time Location
Inaugural Meeting of the Board
November 22, 2022
6 p.m.
Lindsay Education Centre
Regular Meeting of the Board
December 6, 2022
6:30 p.m.
Muskoka Education Centre

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Glen Orchard Public School

3954 Muskoka Road 169, Port Carling, ON P0B 1J0

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School Schedule
Entry to school
8:40 a.m.
Block 1
8:40 – 10:40 a.m.
Nutrition break
10:40 – 11 a.m.
11 – 11:20 a.m.
Block 2
11:20 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Nutrition break
1 – 1:20 p.m.
1:20 – 1:40 p.m.
Block 3
1:40 – 3 p.m.
3 p.m.

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